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Think Tanks (conservative)
Acton Institute - Focuses on economic issues from a Catholic perspective.
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research Pro-business group
Center for Christian Statesmanship Pretty self explanatory
Competitive Enterprise Institute Pro-business group. Steven Milloy writes for them.
Discovery Institute The fellows of this institute include former US Senator Slade Gordon (R-WA). Supportive of Pro-Creationist
Foundation for the Defense of Democracy
Friedman Foundation,The - Supply side economist Milton Friedman's pro-voucher group.
Heartland Institute, The - Supports free market solutions to social and economic problems
Hudson Institute
Independent Institute
Institute for Justice - A libertarian public interest law firm that focuses on private property rights, school choice, and economic liberty.
Institute for Policy Innovation - Advocates lower taxes and smaller government
Kaiser Family Foundation
Manhattan Institute
National Center for Policy Analysis Fairly conservative. Good education section.
Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy - A San Francisco based organization that focuses on policy issues from a libertarian/free market viewpoint. A great deal of their work pertains to issues relevant to California and the western states.
Potomac Institute for Policy Studies
ProEnglish A group that advocates defending English, but avoiding the "English-only" ideology.
Progress & Freedom Foundation Created by Newt Gingrich. Very pro-Intellectual Property. Largely funded by Verizon, Comcast, and AT&T.
Reason Foundation
Second Amendment Foundation Pretty self explanatory
Think Tanks (liberal)
Brennan Center
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Center for Budget & Policy Priorities
Center for Public Integrity A left leaning media watchdog group.
Center for Reproductive Law & Policy
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Council for Advancement & Support of Education (CASE)
Heldrich Center for Workforce Development
Institute for Public Accuracy
International Center for Research on Women
National Peace Foundation
Open Society Institute Part of the George Soros empire.
Progressive Policy Institute Related to the Clintonian Democratic Leadership Council.
World Resources Institute - An environmental group with Al Gore as a board member.
Pro-Marijuana Legalization
Change the Climate
Thinks Tanks (other)
Arlington Institute - A "futurist" research group.
Aspen Institute -
The Becket Fund - A group that defends the freedom of religious expression.
Foundation for American Communications (FACS)
Joint Center for Political & Economic Studies The nation's only black think tank.
Mathematica Policy Research
Milken Institute
MIT Security Studies Program
National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education - Examines education policy in the US.
Stanley Foundation - A group that supports multilateralism.