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Tournament Schedule

Links to the official Tournament site are provided when known.

Previous years schedules for reference: 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006


bullet September 15-17, 2006, Yale Invitational Tournament @ Yale University

bullet September 15-17, 2006, Wake Forest Early Bird @ Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

bullet September 16-17, 2006, Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, CA

bullet September 30-October 1, 2006, Jack Howe Memorial Invitational @ CSU Long Beach in Long Beach, CA

bullet October 20-22, 2006, St. Marks

bullet October 26-29, 2006, Blue Key Invitational @ the University of Florida

bullet November 2-4, 2006, Whitman College H.S. Speech Tournament in Walla Walla, Washington

bullet November 16-21, 2006, Glenbrooks @ Glenbrook North and South H.S. in Glenview, IL.

bullet December 1-2, 2006, George Mason University

bullet December 1-3, 2006, The Princeton Classic @ Princeton University in Princeton, NJ

bullet December 8-9, 2006, Nova Titan Invitational

bullet December 9, 2006, Hilltopper Classic @ Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

bullet January 13-15, 2007, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational @ James Logan High School in Union City, CA.

bullet January 26-28, 2007, Barkely Forum @ Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia; LD, Policy Debate, Student Congress, & Individual Events. Entry by invitation only.

bullet April 20-22, 2007, California State Championships @ Fullerton Union High School in Fullerton, CA; All CHSSA events.

bullet May 26-27, 2007, NCFL Grand Nationals, Houston, TX.

bullet June 16-23, 2007, NFL Nationals, Witchita, KS.